Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Journal Entries


A Day at work
Today I woke up, ate breakfast, put on my dress clothes, and rode my horse to School. I got to school, had my coffee, and began teaching my students. Today was a normal day as usual, I taught the students math, science, English, and history. The most important subject I teach is history. I have to teach the students about the founders of JEDA and what they did to make this society perfect. This is my favorite subject to teach. After school I went home to my wife and kids and then had dinner. Then I watched the news and went to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. 
Sunday Day off
  Today's my day off from work. I got to sleep in late, and I dont have to do anything or worry about anything all day. Today my wife is making a nice breakfast of ham and eggs. After breakfast, we went into town as a family for a nice day of relaxation. We decided to go to the carnival. There, we rode the Merry-Go-Round, all of the rollercoasters, and fed the horses. At about 2 p.m. we had a late lunch, and then went home to watch sports in our Utopian olympics. At around 6 p.m. we ate our dinner, and then went back into town for the end of the week announcements and awards. I won the hardest worker of the week award! After this my family went home and fell asleep and got some rest for the long week ahead.
Founder's day
In JEDA Fiducia, every 365 days, there is a town meeting were they celebrate and discuss the creators of JEDA Fiducia. The four creators of JEDA Fiducia will get to talk about why they made this Utopian society. Then the citizens will be able to discuss with eachother about what they like and dislike about the society. I for one think it is a great Utopian society and there has been no problems so far so we should keep it the same.But other people think that there should be more originality. But either way we are to be respectful.  Everyone shows their respect for the creators of JEDA Fiducia and show them how thankful we are  for being able to live in a society where there is no violence, crime, or poverty.   

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