Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Declaration Of Independence

JEDA Fiducia's Declaration of Independence

     We the founders of Jeda, in order to form a perfect utopia want to call out the faults in todays government and society.  We believe that all people should be treated equally and all racism, bullying, and judging of individuals should be abolished.  Peace should be encouraged but death tolls from war have been extremely high lately.  Families everywhere are dealing with the tragic losses of loved ones, that can be prevented if war is stopped. The economy in todays society is awful. People everywhere are losing their jobs as well as their trust in the governmnet that they will be able to live the American dream. Our society today has lots of poverty, that we would like to escape from, which we believe we can through our utopian society, JEDA. 

      We Believe we need to form a more perfect society than the world we live in today for many reasons. The government has broken the peoples trust.  They keep saying that things will get better but they are not.  We believe we need to form a utopian society to ensure that people can rely on a trustworthy government to support them throughout their lives.  We do not like the current society.  There are some people who are over eating and obesity is an extreme health problem for them.  On the other end of the scale people are not eating enough and starving on the streets. A more perfect society like JEDA would balance out these nutritional issues so that everyone would eat the same amount. All of these flaws in government serve a just reason to form a utopian society.

name your society


We named our utopian society JEDA Fiducia. JEDA stands for the first letter of each of the founders first names. ( Joey Elizabeth Drew and Austin ) Fiducia is Italian for trust. We chose to have the word trust in Italian because our utopia is located in Italy. We chose the word trust beucase we want people who come to our society to feel like they can trust us. This is how we came uo with JEDA Fiducia.

JEDA's List of Rules

1) No violence or bullying will be tolerated.

2) All people under 16 must go to school for 6 hours a day.

3) All people must work from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. at their jobs.

4) Jobs will be assigned, due to personal skills.

5)  Climate must be moderate temperature (60-80), with 2 cold days and 2 hot days a year.

6)Everyone makes the same amount of money at their job.

7) Horses are the mode of transportation.

8) You can choose who you marry, but the amount of children you have will be controlled.

9) Everyone must participate in a gym activity every day to stay healthy.

10) Men must wear khaki shorts or pants and, polo shirts.

11) Women must wear jeans/shorts, and a nice shirt.
12) If these rules are not obeyed, you will be punished through a few days in jail, offenses more serious may result in expulsion from the community.







1) Rule 1 must be in effect so no violence is in our community, because violence would make it no longer a perfect society.
2) Rule 2 is important because an education is needed so the society can advance in different fields to make our society function even better.

3) Rule 3 must be in effect so that everyone is responsible for supporting their families and is equal. This rule helps define our idea of equality.
4) Rule 4 must be in effect because then there is no competition for jobs, and everyone is happy and good at their assigned job.
5) Rule 5 is important because that way there is no extreme temperatures and no one has hypothermia or heat stroke, and makes everyday life predictable.

6) Rule 6 is needed to make our community perfect because then no one is rich and no one is poor so everyone is the same wealth and equality is attained.

7) Rule 7 makes our community better because there is no need to pay for gas, and lessens air pollution. This ensures a safe and nontoxic environment.

8) Rule 8 is important because population control will keep from the community overflowing. It is a balance of freedom and control.

9) Rule 9 is important because it creates a healthy environment and eliminates obesity or unhealthy habits.

10) Rule 10 must be in effect because this will eliminate judgment of clothes and you look presentable.

11) Rule 11 must be in effect so that women are appropriately dressed and there is no judgment on style.

12) Rule 12 is important because if there is no penalty for disobeying the rules, than our utopia will crumble.

JEDA's symbolic animal

To symbloize our utopia, we chose the horse. This is a great choice for our utopian animal for a few reasons. The horse symbloizes the strength our society has to offer. Just like a horse carries a carraige or buggy to where they want to go, our society carries people to their dreams in life. The horse is also our society's main form of transportation to eliminate car fumes polluting the air in our society.

Utopian Motto and Seal

MOTTO : " Keeping things perfect since 2012 "

Our motto represents our society in two ways. It shows how our society is perfect, and it tell you when JEDA was founded, in 2012.

SEAL :Our seal has a picture of our society's animal, the horse. This picture represents our society's strength and gives you a glimpse of what our sociey is like, since we use horses as our transportation. Our motto is also part of the seal because it is very meaningful, and what our society lives by.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Governing Body

      JEDA will be s democratic government. Every citizen over the age of 16 will vote on three leaders, a man, a woman, and an elder to lead the society of JEDA. We want all groups including men, women, and elders to be represented equally in the decisions for the community. If the majority of the community would like to overthrow a leader, then a vote will be held to determine if the leader stays or is overthrown. Every two years a new leader is chosen for each man, woman, and elder group. The democratic government is the best way to govern a society giving everyone a say but not one person has absolute power.  

Journal Entries


A Day at work
Today I woke up, ate breakfast, put on my dress clothes, and rode my horse to School. I got to school, had my coffee, and began teaching my students. Today was a normal day as usual, I taught the students math, science, English, and history. The most important subject I teach is history. I have to teach the students about the founders of JEDA and what they did to make this society perfect. This is my favorite subject to teach. After school I went home to my wife and kids and then had dinner. Then I watched the news and went to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. 
Sunday Day off
  Today's my day off from work. I got to sleep in late, and I dont have to do anything or worry about anything all day. Today my wife is making a nice breakfast of ham and eggs. After breakfast, we went into town as a family for a nice day of relaxation. We decided to go to the carnival. There, we rode the Merry-Go-Round, all of the rollercoasters, and fed the horses. At about 2 p.m. we had a late lunch, and then went home to watch sports in our Utopian olympics. At around 6 p.m. we ate our dinner, and then went back into town for the end of the week announcements and awards. I won the hardest worker of the week award! After this my family went home and fell asleep and got some rest for the long week ahead.
Founder's day
In JEDA Fiducia, every 365 days, there is a town meeting were they celebrate and discuss the creators of JEDA Fiducia. The four creators of JEDA Fiducia will get to talk about why they made this Utopian society. Then the citizens will be able to discuss with eachother about what they like and dislike about the society. I for one think it is a great Utopian society and there has been no problems so far so we should keep it the same.But other people think that there should be more originality. But either way we are to be respectful.  Everyone shows their respect for the creators of JEDA Fiducia and show them how thankful we are  for being able to live in a society where there is no violence, crime, or poverty.   

Friday, October 12, 2012

Daily Itinerary in JEDA Fiducia

                                        DAILY SCHEDULE OF A JEDA CITIZEN

6 a.m. : Central clock chimes, all citizens wake up and prepare for the day

7 a.m. : Work begins, JEDA anthem played, and morning announcements broadcoasted

8 a.m.: School begins for all children ages 5-16

11 a.m : Horse cleaners go to stables and clean and feed horses for the citizens while they are at work.

12 p.m. : All citizens go home for a lunch break

1 p.m.: Work and school resume

3 p.m. School gets out, children go to their after school activities

4 p.m.: After school activities end, chilren go home and do homework.

5 p.m. : Work ends, and parents go home.

6 p.m. : Dinner is served

7 p.m. : Relaxation hour and news/current events are broadcasted

8 p.m. : Bed time, central clock chimes and siganls time to sleep.

Invitation to friends

Hey Connor,

           How is life in Seattle? Not so good, is it? Down here in Boston the government isn't making life successful either. We decided to leave society and form our own utopia called JEDA Fiducia. We are located in Capri, Italy. It is gorgeous out here! The temperature is perfect, and the scenery is beautiful. Not only is its appearance appealing, but also the structure of society is genius. Other utopian societies may seem great at first, but they all have general flaws. However, JEDA is as close to perfect as you can get. All of your clothes, meals, and jobs will be selected for you based on your personality test results and unique talents that you have. Doesn’t this sound interesting? There is no money in our society, which makes for no competition in comparing wealth. We hope you come and join our society soon. Text or call us for details on JEDA. Bye!


                                                    -Elizabeth Hilton, Austin Franzosa, Drew Cannistraro, and Joe Darling


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JEDA Fiducia

Capri, Italy